Monday, August 1, 2016


The last week at work has been pretty important. It rained on Monday and I used the machine rake to rake the bunkers. It was my first time to use this machine, and it was pretty fun to use. All of the bunkers washed out so the main focus was repairing the bunkers to a playable state, as always is the main focus after a heavy rain.
Other than that there have been two new guys that have started working (because two guys have recently been fired) and I have been teaching them how to do most of the jobs that I have done throughout the summer. Such as fly mowing, weed eating, operating various equipment, mowing putting greens, spraying weeds with round up, picking poa annua from the chipping and putting greens, etc etc. One of the main things that I wished I would be able to do is mow a fairway while I was completing my internship, but that has not happened yet and I am still looking forward to it and will ask the superintendent to teach me soon if he does not. I am still using the POGO and Field Scout moisture meters every day to monitor the moisture levels on the greens. If a green gets to hot, I pull out the hose and water the green for approximately 15 minutes.

The summer is flying by and I have been somewhat looking forward to heading back to Fayetteville and starting class again. Getting to work at 6:00 am every day is starting to take its toll. Next week we are aerifying the fairways and approaches again so it should be a busy week. Look forward to some more pictures from that blog as well as a wrap up of the summer. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog for the summer. I have learned a lot and this internship has only made my decision to work in the turf industry only grow stronger. I look forward to work every day, although some days may be predictable or boring, most day I hope for something un expected to happen and look forward to solving that problem or helping that person.